Understanding Insurance in Strata Schemes

Who Does What When It Comes to Strata Insurance

Ever wondered what role your Strata Manager plays when it comes to your strata insurance? Insurance is a very important part of owning in a strata complex and under the Strata Titles Act 1985 (WA), is legally required in Western Australia. In most cases, your Strata Manager will work in unison with an Insurance Broker [...]
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Going Green in Strata -Sustainability Eco

Going Green in Strata

This month, we're showcasing some of our most environmentally friendly strata schemes, who have implemented a greener approach to apartment living. Some of our schemes have made substantial eco-friendly infrastructure changes like full solar installation, while others have implemented great initiatives such as communal veggie gardens and recycling stations. Thanks to Strata Community Association (WA) [...]
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Mould and Condensation in Apartments

Mould and Condensation: How To Prevent It

Preventing mould: Condensation on your window panes is a clear indicator that your home has excessive moisture in the atmosphere and this creates the perfect living conditions for mould. Mould will only grow in poorly ventilated and damp areas. What causes excessive moisture? Lack of proper ventilation from cooking, washing, clothes dryers, hair dryers and [...]
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Why Choose Us As Your Perth Strata Management Company. Strata Managers

What Makes Us Different?

WHEN IT COMES TO STRATA, WE KNOW 'LOTS' With our specialised strata knowledge, our team is our biggest asset and we invest in their professional development through industry-specific events and internal and external training so we can better serve you. Our Strata Managers are well-versed on the Strata Titles Act and are accredited through the [...]
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